Volunteer for CalPops
Join the Pops’ Volunteer Team, whose talent, time, energy and love of music forms the backbone of the California Pops Orchestra. There are many opportunities for you to get involved in a hands-on way to support the Pops, including:
- Ushering
- Ticket Taking
- Community and Audience Relations
- Senior Center Coordination
- Rehearsal Setup and Refreshments
- Stage/Lobby Setup and Decoration
- Volunteer Operations
- Assisting with Mailings
- Fundraising
The CalPops has immediate openings for volunteer Ushers & Ticket Takers at our new Venue, the San Mateo Performing Arts Center. Requires a one-time-only onsite training starting at noon before the show. Training includes a tour of facility, what to do in problem situations/protocols for medical, ADA, evacuations, helping with decor and more. Benefits include being able to see the show, before show refreshments and the Pops Summer picnic” Call (650) 856-8432 or email manager@calpops.org for details on joining the Pops Volunteer team.

Alicia Wilmunder and Pops House Manager Deb Rimerman making seven flower bouquets for the stage.
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Benefits of Volunteering
Ushers and Ticket Takers receive a free ticket to the show.
Volunteers are invited to the Pops Family Picnic.
Since we are a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, your mileage when volunteering for the California Pops Orchestra is tax deductible.
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Get Involved Today!
To learn more about helping the California Pops flourish and grow, call 650.856.8432 or email Alicia Wilmunder, Pops’ Executive Director, at manager@californiapopsorchestra.com.
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Volunteer requirements
- Good public relations & communication skills
- Teamwork
- Reliable, punctual and flexible
- Assist ADA Wheel Chair patrons
Volunteer Training and details
New Usher & Ticket Taker Volunteer Training
Must register in advance. Training is 1 hour for certification and includes...
- Tour of SMPAC facility
- ADA Care
- Emergency Care & Preparations
- Position functions & responsibilities.
Volunteer Room Backstage and downstairs
Current trained volunteers working the Sunday show
is 1:30 pm in the volunteer room.
Click this link to download the pdf with directions to volunteer parking and the volunteer room.
Google Map Link to the San Mateo Performing Arts Center